“...inspired by wonders yet to be discovered...”

Hello, I'm Renée and I've been passionate about nature, travel and photography most of my life. I bought my first camera as a young adult over 30 years ago. 

Maybe it was my first solo train ride at the age of 6 or my first plane ride with a classmate at the age of 12 that ignited my explorer gene - which ever, I have not only traveled abroad but have lived in Australia, New Zealand, the Republic of Panamá as well as several states in my home country of the US.   

In addition to educating humans about their own health through my clinical pharmacy education and nutritional genomics business, I am passionate about conserving wildlife and have been a US wildlife biologist and a volunteer educator, rescuer and rehabilitator in the US, Australia and the Republic of Panamá.

I'm in awe of life the world over - inspired by the beauty in the truth of simply...being.


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